Publisher's Representative

Publisher's Representative

As exclusive publisher’s representative for some of the most prestigious Catholic organizations in the U.S. let share how we can help you!

Publisher's Representative

Bugle Media Services is the exclusive publisher’s representative for two (2) prestigious Catholic organizations:

  • The National Catholic Educational Association 
  • The Catholic Medical Association

The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)  is the largest, private professional education association in the world. Its membership includes more than 150,000 educators serving more than 1.7 million students in Catholic education. NCEA publishes Momentum Magazine five (5) times per year (circulation 18,500) mailing directly to every diocesan school superintendent as well as principals, other administrators and educators in virtually every Catholic elementary and secondary school in America.

According to NCEA research, 88% of Momentum readers have direct, day-to-day purchasing influence - from identifying and determining needs to approving purchases. Momentum Magazine advertisers represent a large number of business categories, including School Uniforms, Catholic Colleges and Universities, Faith Based and Secular Publishing Companies, Insurance Companies, Software and Tuition Management Companies, Faith-Based Non-Profit Organizations, Energy Management Companies, Testing Services Companies and many others.

The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) is the largest association of Catholic physicians and healthcare professionals (2,500+ and growing) in the United States. The Pulse of Catholic Medicine is the official publication of the CMA, and mails to more than 8,000 addresses including 2,500+ CMA members. Previously published in print form, The Pulse of Catholic Medicine became an online-only publication in 2020. The Pulse of Catholic Medicine advertisers and monthly e newsletter “Snapshot” sponsors include Catholic Financial Planning Services, Catholic Publishing, Catholic Non-Profit Organizations, Natural Family Planning Organizations and Pro Life Real Estate companies.

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